"hey, what's a yogtober?"
glad you asked! it's a monthly prompt list, drawtober-style, for the yogscast fanbase!
i tried to finish this last year but got burnt out--spoilers: i got burnt out this year too...
since there were two prompt lists made this year, (here and here) i tried to alternate between both of them.
remember to click on the image for the caption/day prompt! art is ordered left to right.

and then. um. i always forget october is not a great month for me,
so i never ended up actually finishing! aughhh!!! i know!!!!!
i mean, i made it to about 20 drawings this year, compared to last year's five...
so at least i improved? i guess?
i'm not super happy with the overall quality i'm afraid,
but i'm trying not to beat myself up over it (which is really hard!)
well, maybe next year... :')