
hey guys, how are all of you? okay, i know you can't actually respond.
but it just feels polite to ask.

i have not been doing so hot lately. it sucks because i want to keep the site/blog a positive place to be, but it's rather hard to be positive these days.

i'll try not to go too deeply into specifics as not to upset anybody,
but near the start of the month, i really scared the shit out of myself.
and since then it's been really hard to, uh. exist.

it comes with the changing of seasons i suppose. i have SAD
so the cold makes me want to curl up into a ball and dissapear for 6 months.

i don't know. i've kinda been falling behind in my classes and it's getting to me.
i feel so stupid, it's even worse because my family has been so supportive;
shouldn't i be grateful for that? people have it so much worse than me!
but it's like a constant reminder that if i do fail, i'll be such an embarrasment.

8 days til' my birthday, 18 days til' halloween.

sorry for being a downer. i'm tired & overwhelmed & i don't
really have anybody to talk to about this kind of stuff.
so many things i want to do, i need to do. but i'm just so tired.

today's class was optional, and i was gonna go,
but i slept through it. that blows. at least i don't have anything else to do.

i'm gonna go draw now, and maybe clean my room...(if i have the energy.)
please take care of yourselves! i hope we can all get through the winter together.

click here for motivational hedgehog